MMA Family TreeMMA Mixed Martial Arts Family Tree (check out this great infographic timeline on the evolution of mixed martial arts theory and fighting towards the sport we know today).  Learn more about the History of MMA

MMA Mixed Martial Arts Timeline

Endeavor Era 2017
Mainstream 2005
UFC-Zuffa Era 2001
Pride 1997
UFC-SEG Era 1995
UFC- WOW Era 1993
Pancrase 1992
Shooto 1986
Tough Guy Law 1983
Tough Guys 1979
Ali vs Inoki 1976
Bruce Lee Early 1970s
Gene LeBell vs Milo Savage 1963
Vale Tudo 1920s
Mitsuyo Maeda 1914
Karate & Judo spread turn of century
Pankration 648 BC
Dawn of mankind indigenous forms of hand to hand combat fighting develops around the world
Roots of MMA  

This infographic timeline and family tree outlines the evolution of MMA from theory, to combat, to modern sport.  While the question of who invented MMA will never be answered, we can clearly define who created the first organized and regulated “American Sport.” CV [Caliguri and Viola] Productions created the blueprint for a multi-billion dollar business in 1979 by launching the first mixed martial arts league in United States history only to ignite a bitter turf war with a jealous boxing community over money, power and respect. Mixed Martial Madness reveals a clandestine plot that subverted a martial arts revolution that was poised to challenge boxing for preeminence as the king of combat sports with the passage of the Tough Guy Law.