SMA Light Saber
Saber Martial Arts, or “SMA”, is the MMA of weapons-based combat. Mixing various sword and
weapons arts from around the globe with a touch of geeky charm, we use the combat-grade
LED saber as an all-inclusive vessel for our growth in these martial styles. Since 2018, it has
been our organization’s mission to perpetuate both classical and modern martial arts education
through community events, a strong emphasis on camaraderie, and competitions that test our
knowledge and technique. With over 150 years of combined martial arts experience in our
Instructor base and Affiliates from all over the world, as well as a Top 100 martial arts podcast,
Saber Martial Arts LLC is a driving “force” for the future of LED saber combat and the evolution
of mixed martial arts.
Learn more about Light Saber coemption and other events @ the Kumite Classic here: EVENTS